
1873 to present day

Remarkably the timetable had only five Editors in its 140 year history with Thomas Cook:

Thomas Cook Continental / European Timetable
1873-1914   John Bredall
1914-1939   C. H. Davies
1946-1952   H. V. Francis
1952-1985   John H. Price
1985-2013   Brendan Fox

Thomas Cook Overseas Timetable
1980-2000   Peter Tremlett
2000-2010   Peter Bass

H. V. Francis was the first full-time Editor, the two pre-war Editors also having other jobs in the Company. John Price continued as Managing Editor until retirement in 1988, then Consulting Editor for a time; he passed away in 1998. Brendan Fox joined as Assistant Editor in 1982 before being appointed Editor in 1985. When the timetable moved from Thomas Cook to the new company in 2013 he took semi-retirement acting as a freelance compiler/consultant for the new publisher until retirement in December 2019.

European Rail Timetable Ltd
Owner and Editor-in-Chief from 2014 is John Potter, who joined the timetable team at Thomas Cook in 1998. The Editor is another long-term member of the team, Chris Woodcock.